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Delivered researches (7)

Privacy market DB #14
Privacy services x web3 initial market DB aggregation: segmentation, key links (web, git, docs), ecosystem, product liveliness etc. 600 projects in the DB.
ZK solutions DB #1
General DB aggregation focused on ZK for privacy.
Privacy market outlook (2022) #12
150-pages report on the state of privacy x web3 from funding to key projects.
Privacy Use-Cases DB #2
Basic DB of the privacy-centric use-cases.
Privacy Projects Hiring #4
Hiring snapshot across the market: total vacancies, grades, technical x non-technical positions, hiring scope within specific companies & domains.
Pagency Framework #3
Pagency framework for facilitation privacy use-cases (privacy services modelling)
Privacy use-cases within the Ukrainian-Russian war #13
Research how privacy tools can protect human rights, vulnerable audiences within the war, migration & cross-border relations. Supported by Zcash Foundation.

Upcoming researches (2)

Ethereum Privacy Ecosystem #8
Comprehensive privacy-centric research aimed to map Ethereum-centric privacy services, use-cases, product stages, missing areas (use-cases), funding landscape etc Supported by MolochDAO
Scoring model for privacy-services #11

Research Backlog (5)

Privacy Guides #5
Privacy features audit concept for security audit organizations & whitehackers #10
Hackathon Curation Pack #6
Privacy Annual Report 2024 #7
Privacy use-cases DB 2.0 (major update) #9

Source project