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organisation membership

Rather than one-time deals for single events or projects, we strive for long-term, consistent collaboration to achieve a lasting impact together.
  • Greater Exposure: ensure visibility and direct networking with key players at all our events [Congresses, Summits, Meetups, and Hackathons].
  • Access to Talent: connect with the right developers, builders and other skilled talent that can develop, test or translate your privacy projects.
  • Targeted Outreach: grow impact through strategic, targeted communications.
  • Thought Leadership: participate in speaking engagements and mentorship roles.
  • Focused Engagement: reach and interact with specific, highly-relevant audiences and stakeholder groups.
Price Variable tiers €7000+

A Membership means

  • Avoiding wasting time and resources
  • Leveraging our combined ecosystems and activities
  • Driving consistent collaboration to achieve lasting impact

Our Principles

  • We are an open-source & community-driven organization that empowers privacy and freedom.
  • We care about our independence and value collaboration over competition.
  • We don’t work for any company, we collaborate with them.

Objectives for the years 2024 - 2025


Become the leading privacy-centric think-tank driving critical ecosystem advocacy.


  • 10 Million annual reach (socials, media, events)
  • 2500 events visitors (incl 100 privacy leaders)
  • 100+ contributors within the community (beyond core team)

Our Activities


11+ Events in different countires

1 Congress + 2 Summit + 1 Hackathon + 7 Meetups [IRL outreach: 2000 people]


Privacy in Ethereum

Comprehensive mapping of Ethereum-centric privacy services, use cases, product stages, missing areas (use cases), funding landscape, etc.

Use cases DB update & improve (700 → 1200 projects)

The most extensive web3 database of privacy-enhancing solutions

Privacy Annual Report (150+ pages)

Showcase all happenings and achievements of the year (3rd Edition)

Privacy Awards

Annual vote of most popular and interesting privacy projects

Week in Privacy

Newsletter with round-up of the most important privacy news

Monthly Infographics & Articles

Release of useful material for tech & general public


Privacy Explorer V.2

600 services, 5 new categories, improve scoring model

Privacy Routing tool (V0.1 release)

Help users to choose the right service for their transactions



Structured learning paths, playlists, and cohort-based programs

Hackathon Curation Pack

Guidelines to help the builders uderstand actual issues

Privacy Guidelines for the public

Value we can deliver


  • 10M annual reach (socials, media, events)
  • Visibility - before, during and after - at our Summits, Meetups & Hackathons (Logo, Merch, Talks, Workshops, Recordings)
  • Free Tickets for team and discounts for your partners
  • Finding right builders for your beta, product to test or develop
  • Speaking and mentoring opportunities
  • Panel curation upon specific needs
  • Bigger outreach and Impact (we bring your brand, your team and developing needs around every event we attend 
(ETHDam, ETHRome, ETHBrno, ETHBarcelona, BlackSky…)
  • 50 contributors (beyond core team)


We carry on research delivering essays, reports, infographics, github repos, decks, guidelines


  • Raise awareness within specific inputs (category, specs, market)
  • Empower trust (product of choice, Tier1 category service, top of mind)
  • Logo at the end of every report
  • Use report’s results stating you are supporting privacy research (positive image)
  • Underline your role in the market


  • Engage target audience via using (your and others) experts opinion
  • Additional marketing content from infographics to charts
  • Third party validation of your specific claims (if they are attested)
  • Community building content
  • Priority in our publications and newsletter
  • Tailor made articles based upon specific needs


3in1 a ranking system, database & comprehensive profiling to empower the general public in discerning the privacy levels, security, and reliability of Web3 projects.


  • Raise awareness within the category (gain reach)
  • Increase trust by building great profile
  • Improve trust by receiving a third party validation
  • Visibility through benchmarks


  • Increase trial or generate leads by building a transparent profile
  • Support your releases


  • Tax optimization through donation


  • Organizing educational seminars for your employees, clients, target audience
  • Job listings (web, newsletter, socials…)
  • We transform content you share in conferences into educational material
  • Special insights on market growth and evolution
  • Group for company members
  • Access to special members-only events


  • Membership fee: 7K - 70K EUR / year (depends on tier)
  • Non-profit membership fee: 3K EUR / year
For Tier breakdown and details write us today web3privacynow@protonmail.com
All rights not reserved, Creative commons 2024 - Web3Privacy z.s.