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individual membership

Become an integral part of our community!
  • You are supporting a good thing!
  • Guaranteed access to all our events
  • Swag Privacy Pack
  • Deals from our partners
  • Voting rights in our association
Price €100 / Year

Membership details

Voting rights in our association

For members who want to be more involved in the governance of our initiative, we offer the opportunity to participate in the decisions and voting on our plans and other topics. To become a voting member, you must fill out a special form (upcoming) and be approved by the association comittee.

"Swag Privacy Pack" swag bundle

Collect your Privacy Survival Kit once a year [Pick up at our events]

Opportunity to vote in a special category 
at the Privacy Tech Awards

We are planning a special category in the Privacy Tech Awards where only our members will be able to vote.

We respect your privacy!

Membership is essentially anonymous
and the list of members is confidential
 - we do not require or collect any personal information about our members unless they explicitly declare that they want to be listed publicly.

We only need one verifiable identifier, which can be an email or cryptocurrency address, which is used to prove your membership.

All rights not reserved, Creative commons 2024 - Web3Privacy z.s.