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we are a privacy focused ecosystem of hacktivists, researchers, lawyers, event organisers... pushing web3privacy forward

Our mission

Empower individuals to take control of their digital privacy.

We envision a world where privacy is a conscious, actively chosen lifestyle, accessible to everyone, everywhere. To turn this into reality, we need to unite our efforts and carve out a path toward a more equitable, decentralized and privacy-respecting digital space.

how we support privacy in web3

General public Projects Startupers
Developers Audit companies Investors
For all of them we are building private platform to discuss and build privavy tooling and research
Market stats Like Crunchbase, but free forever
Privacy Ranking Scoring and review of current privacy projects
Academy Education for general public how to reach privacy
Research Anual reports, Frameworks, Tools, Books
Data For Projects, Use-case list, Market & Funding info
We need to create activation points, that will push community around privacy forward and establish new connections
Advocacy Branding “decentralization = privacy”
Events Meetups, Summits, Hackathons, Camps
Ecosystems collaboration Networks, Alliances, Media
Standartisation Privacy-features, security audit (example)
Incubation Product managers facilitation, Business sustainability
With all of that we want to focus everybody more in web3 related privacy issues, those are our estimates and long-term goals
  • Milions of educated users
  • Higher privacy culture
  • Better privacy features
  • New use-cases
  • Efficient demos
  • New “privacy audit” category
  • Significant growth of audited projects.
  • More devs building privacy
  • More sustainable projects.
  • More privacy-oriented projects
  • Longer runway

our events

Our aim with gatherings is to build understanding and solidarity between different groups of interests, cultures, states, chains, ecosystems and backgrounds.

We aggregate web3 & non-tech people, builders, researchers, philosophers, lawyers, policymakers, hacktivists, key players, local communities and the general public.

Our Projects & research

We cultivate a culture of privacy in web3 making data free and public. 
Enjoy our researches, infographics, annual reports, tools, newsletter, guidelines & more.

together we are stronger

INDIVIDUAL Become an integral part of our community! Join us with building privacy platform we all need.
  • You are supporting good thing!
  • Guaranteed access to all our events
  • Privacy swag bundle
  • Deals from our partners
  • Voting rights in our association
Price €100 / Year
ORGANISATION Instead of proposing partnerships for every event and/or initiative,
we decided to implement a continuous membership approach.
  • Visibility at our Summits, Meetups & Hackathons
  • Free Tickets & discounts for your partners
  • Finding right builders for your beta, product to test or develop
  • Speaking and mentoring opportunities
  • Raise awareness within specific inputs
  • Engage target audience
Price Variable tiers
Or if you like our ideas and community you can privately donate via Ethereum / Bitcoin / Monero or support us on Gitcoin Grants

empowering community with our brand

To make humans gain control over their privacy by utilizing Web3 stack. So privacy would become a cultural phenomena & active lifestyle.

Join the Community

Our aim with gatherings is to bring together key players, different perspectives, skills and visions. We aggregate tech and non tech people, key players and contributors, builders, researchers, philosophers, lawyers, policymakers, activists, local communities and general public.


Git Contributors